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သိတယ်ဆိုရင် Browser ကိုဖွင့် Address bar or Search box ထဲမှာ MyanmarUnicodeSupport.blogspot. com ကို ( တဆက်ထဲ ) ရိုက်ထည့်ပြီး Go or Enter ကိုနှိပ်ပြီးဖွင့်။
Keyboard ကတော့ဟုတ်ပါပြီ Font ဘယ်လိုသွင်းရမှာလဲ ( Font Settings ကဘယ်လိုလုပ်ရမှာလဲ ) ဆိုရင် -
"How to add Unicode font for Android" ဆိုတဲ့ခေါင်းစဉ်နဲ့ Post ကိုရှာဖွင့်ပြီး မည်သည့်ဖုန်းအမျိုးအစားအတွက် Font Settings ကို မည်သို့ပြုလုပ်သည်ဆိုတာကို ကြည့်ရှုပြီး လိုက်ပါလုပ်ဆောင်လို့ရပါတယ်။Android ဖုန်းတွေအတွက်ရော iOS အတွက်ပါ ပါဝင်ပါတယ်။
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နောက်တဆင့်မှာ Where is the problem?ဆိုတဲ့ခေါင်းစဉ်အောက်မှာ ရွေးချယ်စရာခေါင်းစဉ်တွေအများကြီးတွေ့ပါလိမ့်မယ်။ ကိုယ်က ဘယ်ဟာနဲ့ပတ်သက်ပြီး Report တင်ချင်တာလည်းဆိုတာကိုရွေးချယ်ရမှာပါ။ ဥပမာ ကိုယ်က Status တင်မရဘူးဆိုStatus Update ကိုရွေးချယ်ပေးရမှာဖြစ်ပြီး၊ Photo, Video, Message, တွေနဲ့ပတ်သက်ပြီး Error တက်နေရင် သက်ဆိုင်ရာခေါင်းစဉ်ကိုပဲရွေးချယ်ပေးရမှာပါ။
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What to do when you get the annoying “screen overlay detected” message
Android has gotten a lot more user-friendly over the years, but there
are still some things that can leave users scratching their heads. One
of the most annoying recent Android problems is the “screen overlay
detected” message. You’ll see this error message when trying to accept
permissions or install an APK. The message is not exactly clear about
what you need to do. If you’ve every experienced this frustrating
message, we’ll help you get it resolved.
What does it mean?
The message appears when Android detects that another app is using a
screen overlay. A screen overlay is when an app can appear on top of
other apps. The floating Facebook chat bubbles and screen filter apps
are common examples. It’s possible that an app could use a screen
overlay to do something malicious while you accept permissions or
install an APK. As a precaution, Android won’t let you do anything until
the screen overlay is disabled. So let’s do that.
How to turn off screen overlay
The error message will tell you to “turn off the screen overlay in
Settings > Apps.” Unfortunately, that’s where the instructions end.
It doesn’t tell you how to find the responsible apps. We’ll help you
snuff out the culprits.
Note: This process will be slightly different depending on your Android version and phone manufacturer.
Go to Settings > Apps
This step will vary by device. One of the following should work:
Tap the gear icon in the top right
Tap the three-dot menu icon > Configure apps
If you see Draw over apps, tap it
If you don’t, tap Special access under Advanced
Then select Draw over apps
All of the apps in this list can appear on top of other apps.
That’s what Android means by “draw over other apps.” Most of the apps in
this list only use screen overlay when they are called into action. For
example, a caller ID app will only appear on top when you receive a
call. You need to find the app that is currently using a screen
If there is a drop-down at the top, select Apps with permission
Select the app from the list
Toggle off Permit drawing over other apps
If you found the culprit, you should be able to go back and do
what you were trying to do when the message appeared. Once you’ve
figured out which app is causing the problem, you may find it easier to
simply close out of the app next time you try to accept permissions or
install an APK. Hopefully, this guide clears things up for you.
So, you’ve received the “screen overlay detected” message and have no
idea what to do. Well, follow this step-by-step guide, and be troubled
no longer.
Error message “Screen overlay detected”: the cause
The problem: Android suddenly warns you that a screen overlay has been detected.
You will find yourself in front of a list
of apps that have permission to use floating buttons or other screen
overlays. Now you need to identify the problem app and temporarily deny
it permission to draw over the screen. Here is are some pointers on how
to identify the app that’s causing trouble:
Do you see an app bubble on your screen? If do, this app is almost
certainly the cause. Either you hide the app bubble or disable the app
in the list
Do you have an app installed that changes the colors on the display or adjusts the brightness?
Reportedly, Clean Master can be a trouble maker. If you see Clean Master in the list, disable it
Now you can try launching the app again,
and it should request permissions without the “Display overlay detected”
error getting in the way.
For Samsung users: We have also
received a report that suggests the one-handed keyboard setting could be
the root cause. Deactivate it by going to Settings> Advanced features > One-handed operation.
In order for
the app(s) that you have disabled in step two to work again, you need to
re-enable its overlay permissions. If you turned off all apps, it might
be worth considering only reactivating those apps that you actually
This is a rather inelegant workaround, but it's the best we
have until Google makes the necessary changes to prevent app overlays
from interfering with permission dialogues.
Has this guide helped?
If you are still experiencing the error after following our guide,
leave a comment, so we can try and address the problem.